Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop

【iPhone神アプリ】Remote Desktopの評価・評判、口コミ

Using your iPhone or iPad, you can connect to your Windows Workstation Computer and see the files, programs, and resources exactly as you would if you were sitting at your desk, just on a smaller screen.

If the program cannot start, the installation has failed. Remove RDP, reboot and download again.

Mocha Remote Desktop (RDP) provides access to a PC running Windows XP Professional or Windows 7/8.

HOME edition or Windows 200x Servers cannot be supported. If you use a Windows 200x server, select menu - configure - use old protocol v4.

Compared to the Lite version the full version has:
- 2 Keyboard banners with extra keys.
- Mouse functions: right button, drag and hover.
- Mouse wheel.

- Standard RDP protocol.
- 8/16 bit color mode for faster screen updates.
- Zoom and scroll as the Safari Browser.
- WOL (Wake on LAN).
- Printing.
- Stylus pen.
- NETBIOS name support for easy configuration.
- Landscape mode.
- Have patent license for the RDP protocol from Microsoft.

- Windows HOME edition cannot be used, as it does not include the RDP protocol.
- We cannot offer Windows 200x Server access, as it will require another patent license from Microsoft.
- Supports 7 keyboard types: US, Danish, German QWERTZ, French AZERTY, UK, Spanish,Canadian, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian,Dutch and UNICODE.



Remote Desktopのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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