Greek Life

Greek Life

【iPhone神アプリ】Greek Lifeの評価・評判、口コミ

Greek Life keeps track of all the most important Fraternity and Sorority information you need at your fingertips! Keeping up with pledges' and members' detailed information is nothing short of a pain, but this application provides easy access to all of it! Everyone who has been in a Frat or a Sorority knows that information such as hometown, contact info, classification, etc is necessary to have available.

In the Greek Life iPhone application, for each fraternity and sorority pledge/member, the user can input a name, photograph, hometown, birthday, contact number, email, and college classification. In addition to this, the Greek Life user can call, text, and email directly from the application itself, so you do not have to dig through your iPhone contacts list! Frat and sorority life just got MUCH easier to manage, as we know (from experience) that college students have much more important things to do than memorize all this information!

Features include:
- Keep a list of all Fraternity/Sorority Pledges
- Keep a list of all Active Members
- Keep track of pledge/member-specific details
- Keep photos of each individual member and pledge
- Keep track of personal Fraternity/Sorority information
- Send quick email or text to all pledges and/or all members
- Quick access to the Greek Alphabet (letters, words, and phonetics)
- Notes section to input events, etc.
- Colorful, easy-to-use interface

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Greek Lifeのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!Greek Lifeを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!