SecureNotesEncrypted Notepad

SecureNotesEncrypted Notepad

【iPhone神アプリ】SecureNotesEncrypted Notepadの評価・評判、口コミ

Use SecureNotes to safely store and organize sensitive information (credit card numbers, logins, banking information, etc..) Why pay for an application that only stores credit cards when SecureNotes gives you the liberty to safely encrypt any information at a fraction of the price! Create as many notes as you wish and organize them in to folders of related items.

All of your notes in SecureNotes are encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption. The NSA deems AES encryption secure enough to protect classified information up to the TOP SECRET level, the highest security level in the US government. Your notes always remain encrypted on the device and are only viewable upon entering your password.

Feel secure knowing that if your iPhone or iPod is lost or stolen that no one can access your sensitive data without your password.

Enter your password and the notepad is at your fingertips. Create new notes or new folders by pressing the + button. Notes are automatically encrypted when you save them, there are no additional or complicated steps. Simple and secure.

Create folders to organize your notes. For example create a folder just for credit card numbers, or a folder for private contacts, or a folder for website logins.. the possibilities are endless.



SecureNotesEncrypted Notepadのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

レビュー募集中!!SecureNotesEncrypted Notepadを使って分かったことを書いてみよう!