Calc XLS Free Spreadsheet

Calc XLS Free Spreadsheet

【iPhone神アプリ】Calc XLS Free Spreadsheetの評価・評判、口コミ

Over a million downloads!

One of the most mature and powerful spreadsheets on the iOS platform is now available in a free version! 

Like what you see but need more functionality? Upgrade via an in-app purchase and get the ability to edit imported files, transfer files using built-in web server, email files (as .pdf or .xls) and even share your data on the cloud with Dropbox!

Using Calc XLS Free, you can: 

- View and edit Excel files (.xls Excel 97 and up). 
- View pdf, rtf, rtfd, Word, Powerpoint, Keynote, Pages, Numbers. 
- Make large multi-sheet spreadsheets with 32,000 rows x 256 columns  - Choose from more than 10 included templates for business or home. 
- Cut copy paste data or undo and redo actions. 
- Construct formulas using over 200 functions (see our web site for a complete function list). 

Bottom line, whether you are a home user, small business user, on the road or relaxing in your favorite chair, you have all the power you need, in the palm of your hand.



Calc XLS Free Spreadsheetのレビューや評価・評判、口コミまとめ


  • 神アプリ認定!
  • うーん…。

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